Hollow-transporting alternating copolymers for perovskite sun cells: thia[5]helicene comonomer outperforms planar perylothiophene analog


Hollow-transporting alternating copolymers for perovskite sun cells: thia[5]helicene comonomer outperforms planar perylothiophene analog

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00513A, Paper
Lifei He, Yuyan Zhang, Bing Zhang, Tianyu Li, Yaohang Cai, Ming Ren, Jing Zhang, Peng Wang, Yi Yuan
Semiconducting polymers with high glass transition temperatures play a pivotal role in advancing thermally tolerant organic optoelectronic devices. This investigation underscores the remarkable potential of helicene as a comonomer in…
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