Horizontal lithium enlargement pushed by means of floor dynamics on unmarried crystal Cu(111) foil

Horizontal lithium enlargement pushed by means of floor dynamics on unmarried crystal Cu(111) foil

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01766H, Paper
Open Access
Min-Ho Kim, Dong Yeon Kim, Yunqing Li, Juyoung Kim, Min Hyeok Kim, Jeongwoo Seo, Benjamin Vaughan Cunning, Tae Won Kim, Sang-Wook Park, Rodney S. Ruoff, Dong-Hwa Seo, Sunghwan Jin, Hyun-Wook Lee
Anode-free lithium (Li) batteries that function via direct Li plating/stripping on metal current collectors have garnered significant interest in metallic Li as an ideal negative electrode. However, the dendritic Li…
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