HORSE at Microsoft Global HQ

HORSE at Microsoft Global HQ

HORSE at Microsoft Global HQ

IMPACT BIOENERGY manufactures, sells, and supports portable, prefabricated bioenergy systems that convert organic waste materials into energy and probiotic plant food with zero-waste. The HORSE system can be configured to process up to 175 tons per year of food and beverage “waste” materials. Energy can be used in the form of building heat, hot water, radiant heat, light, electricity, and vehicle fuel. Liquid plant food can be used as liquid or dried organic fertilizer. This technology connects food waste resources to job creation, zero-waste operations, energy conservation, renewable fuel/energy production, carbon sequestration and net-negative carbon transportation, resulting in regenerative food/agriculture ecosystems. The process can capture more heat-trapping greenhouse gases than it emits, therefore its life cycle can have a net-negative carbon intensity. The design provides access to healthy, affordable organic food by engaging farmers, food/beverage businesses, communities and governments to build a resilient food ecosystem.

For more information, please visit

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