How To To find A Occupation in Renewable Power: Jobs in Blank Power!

How To To find A Occupation in Renewable Power: Jobs in Blank Power!

How To To find A Occupation in Renewable Power: Jobs in Blank Power!

hi and welcome…!
welcome to this information back video in which we will tell you in detail what you need to know about making a career in renewable energy industry…! yes, earning a living while saving the planet should not have to be mutually exclusive on this channel…! energy files we aim to inspire budding engineers and technologists for a better more sustainable world before you forget…! I would urge you guys to hit the like button for this important video…! This will help the video to benefit maximum number of people now there’s a certain degree of satisfaction one gets when working in the field of renewable energy! it is because you’re working to fix the energy problem of the world and making our planet greener in the process, the exciting bit is anyone with an interest in renewable energy can make a career in this field and to get you started I’ve also got free coupons for a course to share if you complete that course you will get a certificate…!
watch this video till the end and we will tell you all about it renewable energy industry as we all know has seen exponential growth in the last decade and it’s a great opportunity to develop a career in this field today rather than tomorrow we will try to answer the following questions in the video number one what kind of renewable energy jobs are available…? number two how do I get a job in renewable energy industry…? Number three how much salary I can expect? Number four what kind of skills do I need and lastly can I create my own business in renewables…?
There are a variety of rules available in the renewable energy sector and they’re not just limited to technical jobs for example you can start your business in renewable energy or provide administrative support…! we will cover them later but first we look at jobs that require a technical skill set renewable energy as we know has a wide portfolio with wind solar hydro marine and biomass all in the mix the range of technical skills required are also diverse but fall mainly under mechanical electrical and civil engineering where in mind renewable energy technology is not a new or entirely different technology…! It is in fact the coming together of mechanical electrical and electronics technology which simply deals with energy sources that are renewable and so even for technical jobs you don’t have to have a specific degree in renewable energy the skills that you learn in the above-mentioned fields of engineering that is mechanical, electrical, electronics and civil are very much applicable for example when it comes to designing wind turbines it is a task that heavily involves the knowledge of mechanical engineering getting the system online requires electrical engineering skills construction of dams or installation of in turbines requires the knowledge of civil engineer and even if we trace the life of one type of renewable energy product, let’s say a wind turbine we can identify the different job roles in the various phases of the lifecycle…! these phases can be as follows design and manufacturing supply chain management sales and
administration installation and commissioning operation and maintenance , so you can see that although most phases largely require technical roles, but there are non technical tasks also for example in the coordination of work…! project management, for managing supply chain and handling other commercial
issues one interesting team, to note here, is that compared to non-renewable sources like coal gas fire or nuclear power plant the number of jobs created in the renewable energy sector per megawatt of installation is more a report by NREL suggests that wind farms may produce between 0.4 and 1.4 jobs per
megawatt of capacity during construction phase and point zero six two point two jobs per megawatt for operation and maintenance so to sum up some of the technical positions in the industry are as follows: design engineer development, engineer systems engineer, installation engineer commissioning engineer and maintenance engineer and these jobs exist for almost any portfolio of renewable energy technology namely wind, hydro, marine and solar and as mentioned,,,!
before with a degree in mechanical, electrical electronics or civil engineering you can apply for many of
these roles if you have already worked in the power sector many of the skills are transferable, for example wind turbines and even solar farms are looking to move offshore and therefore people with experience in developing offshore rigs are needed to create floating platforms for wind turbines or making underwater tripod or more pod pile found,

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