How we will make solar energy at night time

How we will make solar energy at night time

How we will make solar energy at night time

We all know about photovoltaic solar panels. But there’s another, almost forgotten type of solar energy: concentrated solar power. Its big advantage is that it can store the sun’s heat for a long time and turn it into electricity when needed – for example at night, when normal solar panels lie idle. Is it set for a comeback? 

#planeta #solarenergy #concentratedsolarpower

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Reporter: Malte Rohwer-Kahlmann
Video Editor: Frederik Willmann
Supervising Editor: Kiyo Dörrer
Factcheck: Alexander Paquet
Thumbnail: Em Chabridon

Read more:

CSP project databases:

NREL best practices study:

Status of CSP plants installed worldwide:

00:00 Intro
01:18 How CSP works
02:49 Technology race
05:07 Crescent Dunes
07:03 Comeback?
10:51 Conclusion

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