IAForestVision – Carbon Credit score Undertaking Demonstration

IAForestVision – Carbon Credit score Undertaking Demonstration

IAForestVision – Carbon Credit score Undertaking Demonstration

In this video, we present a technical demonstration of the Iaforestvision project carried out by SIMF in partnership with Companhia de Tecidos Paulista. The project covers the mapping of a 500-hectare area using advanced LIDAR technology, with the aim of developing a robust carbon credit project.

SIMF is at the forefront of innovation in environmental monitoring and management. We use cutting-edge technology for mapping and analyzing large areas, ensuring precision and compliance with Brazilian standards. Our integrated system allows detailed visualization and efficient management of environmental preservation projects and carbon credits. For more information, visit our website at https://simf.com.br.

#SIMF #Iaforestvision #LIDARMapping #EnvironmentalPreservation #CarbonCredits #EnvironmentalManagement #Technology #Topography #CompanhiaDeTecidosPaulista #EnvironmentalMonitoring

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