In Intensity : Carbon Buying and selling & Local weather Alternate

In Intensity : Carbon Buying and selling & Local weather Alternate

In Intensity : Carbon Buying and selling & Local weather Alternate

Our subject today is climate protection …

India has been in the forefront of an intense battle to protect the environment by reducing its carbon foot print
To this end … it has invested heavily in low-carbon intensive technologies…successfully switched to renewable energy and stepped up its efforts to protect forests.
In the process it earned hundreds of millions of carbon credits or emission reduction certificates that are also called CERs
Under the prevailing Kyoto Protocol climate agreement … carbon credits are used in market-based system of Carbon Trading. Carbon trading allows countries and companies to sell their carbon credits for money. In December… the UN Climate Change Conference or COP 25 was held in Madrid. COP 25 was to have finalised rules for a new global carbon market under the Paris Agreement.
For India … one the goals and focus at the Madrid conference was to win the right to sell its hard-earned carbon credits .
But the talks that concluded in Madrid on 15th December ended without agreeing on the rules for future carbon trading
Our focus today is this whole system of carbon trading … What was its original intention …. how did the system function over the years and what has been its impact.

Anchor: Aditi Girotra

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