India Innovates (Complete Film)

India Innovates (Complete Film)

India Innovates (Complete Film)

‘India Innovates’ ventures into the Indian technology, tracking the premier research institutes across the four major cities of the country. Finding answers to questions and using technology as a solution to problems, Institutes are playing an important role in shaping young scientists’ thoughts. Featured are four major breakthroughs: electricity generation through carbon nano tubes and semiconductors (Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru), soil biotechnology, which uses soil to treat sewage and create pure water (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai), world’s first $100 Personal Computer (Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai) and medical treatment for brain tumour by introducing chemotherapy drugs directly into the brain with the help of hydrogels (All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi). The film shows how innovating is the new development, the smart way of finding solutions.

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