Indoor Agriculture Power Answers – Dank Dust

Indoor Agriculture Energy Solutions – Dank Dirt

Indoor Agriculture Power Answers – Dank Dust

Indoor Agriculture Energy Solutions Conference, San Diego, CA – February 2020 presented by Resource Innovation Institute and D+R International

Lindsay Robinson of the California Cannabis Industry Association, Gary Corlett of Southern California Edison, Jesse Peters of Mantis Growth, and Kaitlin Urso representing the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment speak from their experience across a range of issues, from strategies for controlling odors and ensuring air quality to code requirements to tax concepts for offsetting carbon emissions. Local jurisdiction determines the “time, place, and manner” of cannabis cultivation operations. Permitting, zoning and other decisions have significant energy and carbon emissions impacts and ramifications on local communities.

Resource Innovation Institute (RII) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance resource efficiency to cultivate a better cannabis future.

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