Inexperienced power: Which assets are essentially the most sustainable?

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Inexperienced power: Which assets are essentially the most sustainable?

Fossil fuels still supply about 80% of the world’s power. How can energy be produced and used more sustainably to meet climate targets? We answer your questions. film supported by @Infosys

00:00 – Why energy needs to become more sustainable
00:33 – How much energy should come from renewables?
01:19 – Why isn’t nuclear power used more widely?
02:19 – How can solar power be made more efficient?
03:34 – Will biofuels become widely used?
04:30 – Do electric vehicles make a difference?
05:10 – How heating and air conditioning can be more sustainable

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The use of renewable energy is accelerating:

Read about the first big energy shock of the green era:

The bottlenecks which could constrain emission cuts:

How governments spurred the rise of solar power:

Read about the new solar cells that extract more energy from sunshine:

Watch our film about how to cool a warming world:

Nuclear power must be well regulated, not ditched:

Can smaller reactors make nuclear power economic?

Is hydrogen the fuel of the future? Watch our film:

Why creating a new hydrogen economy is a massive undertaking:

Why efforts to make buildings greener are not working:

How a new, green air-conditioning system manages without nasty gases:

How electrical energy can be captured as liquid air:

The tricky business of charging electric cars:


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