Inside Eraring, the giant coal-fired power station that escaped a 2025 death sentence


Inside Eraring, the giant coal-fired power station that escaped a 2025 death sentence

Shifts in the NSW plant’s control room look a lot different now to what they did 20 years ago – largely because of the progress of renewables

When Jono Lawless began work in the control room of Origin Energy’s giant Eraring power station in 2006, his shifts were much less complicated.

“We ran [the generator units] just about flat out through the day, and then about, say, 10 o’clock at night, we came down to our bottom,” Lawless told visiting journalists on Tuesday. “Then we’d park them overnight, pretty much, and then come up pretty hard in the morning – just before dawn – when everyone, the miners, get up to put the kettles on.”

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