Integration of Confinement Crosslinking and In-Situ Grafting for Setting up Synthetic Interphase towards Stabilize Zinc Anodes

Integration of Confinement Crosslinking and In-Situ Grafting for Setting up Synthetic Interphase towards Stabilize Zinc Anodes

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02641A, Paper
Jingwei Chen, Feng Zhang, Jiawei Qian, Weixu Dong, Yifan Qu, Kai Chen, Yangfeng Cui, Li-Feng Chen
Zn anode is susceptible to the intractable Zn dendrites and interfacial side reactions, thereby hindering the practical implementation of aqueous zinc ion batteries (AZIBs). Promoting the heterogeneous compatibility and interfacial…
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