International Carbon Praise Initiative Seminar

International Carbon Praise Initiative Seminar

International Carbon Praise Initiative Seminar

Climate change defies the current economy and the ideas that underpin it. With an urgent need for new investment and a redirection of resources, jobs, and policy, it requires a revision of what is valued, creates demand for new ideas, and throws into question the pursuit of growth under planetary boundaries.

In this session, explored the Global Carbon Reward Initiative– how it could help to generate climate finance, how it works, the barriers to its effective execution and how feasible it could be.

Advancing sustainable economies is one of the Liberal International Climate Justice Committee’s strategic priorities.

In an effort to craft a comprehensive position on economics and climate justice, the Climate Justice Committee organised a series of discussions with experts in the field. Through these dialogues, the committee seeks to deepen its understanding of climate finance and innovative ideas, enabling them to draft impactful position papers and policy recommendations. These recommendations will be crucial for the next round of NDC negotiations, aiming to guide global efforts toward a more sustainable and just future.

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