Internet 0 Webinar Renewable Heating Eventualities

Internet 0 Webinar Renewable Heating Eventualities

Internet 0 Webinar Renewable Heating Eventualities

We are currently running a consultation to find out your thoughts to help us set our Island’s target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as an interim step to achieving net zero by 2050.

This interim target will show how ambitious and committed our Island is to transition to a low carbon society, which has financial, social, environmental and reputational implications.

The four-week consultation, which closes on Monday 21 February, outlines two options that both focus on the high emission sectors of energy, heating, transport and land use/food production.

The Renewable Heating Scenarios report has recently been published and it provides three high-level scenarios to reflect different technology mixes to decarbonise our buildings.

Fossil fuel heating systems in buildings account for 21% of our overall greenhouse gas emissions. All scenarios will improve the energy performance of buildings and phase out fossil fuel-based heating systems from 2025 to low carbon heating systems such as electric (e.g. heat pumps or direct electric), biofuels or district heating systems (whereby multiple homes and businesses are heated from a central source).

Find out more about the future of renewable heating on the Isle of Man in this webinar.

Rob Honeyman, Head of Analysis; Christopher Lewis, Economic Analyst; Rory Mathews, Senior Economist, Gemserve.

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