Meet Mauricio!

Meet Mauricio!

Meet Mauricio!

Savimbo does Meet Mauricio! His commitment is an example of admiration and a reminder of the importance of taking care of our planet. Don’t miss his love story for the earth and nature! 🌍❤️ #Biodiversity

#Savimbo generates fair-trade #Biodiversity credits, with a methodology written by, and for, indigenous and local peoples. So they can get paid to preserve the forests they have owned and protected for generations and persuade their neighbors that this is a viable economy.

Buy biodiversity credits from direct our Colombian team and support this economy now! -trade carbon credits. No middlemen. We pay smallfarmers in tropical forests to replant and conserve, then resell their service in the form of carbon credits. We’re a B-corp. Our nonprofit arm does land-rights, literacy, and living conditions.

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