Mild-induced quinone conformation of polymer donors towards 19.9% potency natural sun cells


Mild-induced quinone conformation of polymer donors towards 19.9% potency natural sun cells

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2492-2499
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00605D, Paper
Chuanhang Guo, Yuandong Sun, Liang Wang, Chenhao Liu, Chen Chen, Jingchao Cheng, Weiyi Xia, Zirui Gan, Jing Zhou, Zhenghong Chen, Jinpeng Zhou, Dan Liu, Jingxing Guo, Wei Li, Tao Wang
UV-light illumination converts the aromatic conformation of polymer donors into a rigid quinone structure, resulting in compact fibrillar aggregation of the active layer to achieve a maximum efficiency of 19.9% of single-junction organic solar cells.
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