Minimizing the Buried Interfacial Power Loss via a Fluorine-Substituted Small Molecule for 25.92%-Potency and Solid Inverted Perovskite Sun Cells

Minimizing the Buried Interfacial Power Loss via a Fluorine-Substituted Small Molecule for 25.92%-Potency and Solid Inverted Perovskite Sun Cells

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02964J, Paper
Xin Chen, Qi Wang, Hui Wei, Jiewei Yang, Yuqi Yao, Weijian Tang, Wuke Qiu, Xiaopeng Xu, Lin Song, Yihui Wu, Qiang Peng
Achieving optimal interfacial contact and band alignment at the buried interface of perovskite are crucial for minimizing the energy loss in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Herein, a series of fluorine-substituted…
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