Mutually Really useful Carbon Credit from Regenerative Agriculture

Mutually Really useful Carbon Credit from Regenerative Agriculture

Mutually Really useful Carbon Credit from Regenerative Agriculture

Companies are increasingly seeking high-quality carbon credits that generate impact & deliver co-benefits beyond carbon.

Demand for such is outstripping the supply, but farmers hold in their land the unparalleled potential to bridge this gap – if supported in doing so.

Carbon credits from regenerative agriculture have the power to go above and beyond the status quo, transforming ecosystems, improving the livelihood of land stewards, restoring biodiversity, & regulating our water cycle.

The collaborative endeavour of land stewards & participants of the carbon market offers an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to restore entire ecosystems vis-à-vis their investment decisions.

But with a wild west market & little reward for farmers, how can we ensure carbon credits are mutually beneficial for both companies and land stewards alike?

In our fourth Soil Carbon Removal Think Tank session, we’ll dive deep into:

– The potential to transform food supply chains while insetting
– Creating regional value as carbon certificate buyers
– Going beyond carbon: value creation for biodiversity, water & social benefits

We’ll be joined by renowned experts, including:

– Meghan Sapp, a holistic management practitioner, co-owner of Curly Creek Ranch, Savory Institute accredited professional, Polyface farmer & farm business consultant.

– Merijn Dols, a circular economy for food activist, systems thinker & intrapreneur working as Global Director of Open Innovation & Circular Economy for Food at Danone.

-Elodie Champseix, Soil Policy Officer of the European Landowner’s Organization. The ELO represents landowners at the political level. Through her work, Elodie aims to build bridges across various dimensions of the food supply chain.

– Tobias Bandel, founder of Soil & More Impacts and an advisor to start-ups, individuals & companies on the topic of regenerative agriculture, impact assessment & digitalisation.

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