Pakistan Will have to have the benefit of Carbon Credit score Marketplace!

Pakistan Will have to have the benefit of Carbon Credit score Marketplace!

Pakistan Will have to have the benefit of Carbon Credit score Marketplace!

Climate Change is quite a nuisance and a glaring reality, which is poised to change the whole pattern of human existence. The culprit is carbon thrown out in the atmosphere, as a leftover of fossil fuel. If you want to continue developing, by increasing carbon footprint, you need to buy credits from those who are producing less than their proportionate share. The enabling mechanism is ‘carbon market.’ Chief Carbon Market Specialist, UNEP, Copenhagen, Søren Lutken, says Pakistan is one of the countries where initially it is easy to do righty away, and where the country can attract investment. Click the link to watch his special talk with Tahir Dhindsa, only on SDTV…

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