Pellet dispensomixer and pellet distributor: Open {hardware} for nanocomposite house exploration by the use of computerized subject matter compounding


Pellet dispensomixer and pellet distributor: Open {hardware} for nanocomposite house exploration by the use of computerized subject matter compounding

Digital Discovery, 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4DD00198B, Paper
Open Access Open Access
Miguel Hernández-del-Valle, Jorge Ilarraza-Zuazo, Enrique Dios-Lázaro, Javier Rubio, Joris Audoux, Maciej Haranczyk
The development of novel polymer-based nanocomposites necessitates the experimental preparation and characterization of numerous compositions to identify optimal formulations. For thermoplastic- based materials, the compounding process typically involves the labor-intensive…
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