Plant root cell-inspired interphase layer for sensible aqueous zinc-iodine batteries with super-high areal capability and lengthy lifespan

Plant root cell-inspired interphase layer for sensible aqueous zinc-iodine batteries with super-high areal capability and lengthy lifespan

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02592J, Paper
Yuting Xu, Minghao Zhang, Rong Tang, Siyang Li, Chenxi Sun, Zeheng Lv, Wenhao Yang, Zhipeng Wen, Chengchao Li, Xue Li, Yang Yang
Aqueous zinc-iodine batteries are of considerable interest for stationary energy storage because of safety and cost-effectiveness. Nonetheless, the unstable Zn anode/electrolyte interface and shuttling of polyiodides during cycling have hinered…
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