Power Safety via Renewable Power Assets for Sustainable Building of Bangladesh || BUET

Power Safety via Renewable Power Assets for Sustainable Building of Bangladesh || BUET

Power Safety via Renewable Power Assets for Sustainable Building of Bangladesh || BUET

GreenTech Foundation Bangladesh jointly with the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, BUET has organized a roundtable discussion on “Energy Security through Renewable Energy Sources for the Sustainable Development of Bangladesh” held on 27th July 2022 at 11:00 am at IESD (Level 11), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.

As part of the capacity building & awareness program of the Green Business Incubator, this roundtable discussion will be aiming to present an overview of the Bangladesh energy sector and also present an approach to ensure the energy security of Bangladesh by using renewable sources to achieve the sustainable development goals of Bangladesh. It will discuss how Bangladesh can foster investment in clean technology deployment, advancing innovation, and modernizing infrastructure to achieve energy security. Focusing on innovation and technology can help in reaching energy security and facing climate change. This roundtable also discusses how the collaboration between research, advisory, and think tank institutions and government supporters plays a role in informing policymakers to make the right decisions.

Energy security is nowadays a major concern of all researchers all over the world. Bangladesh is a developing country with not enough natural resources. Most of the Energy demand of Bangladesh meet from non-renewable sources and imported energy from abroad. This type of energy source which meets energy demand never ensures energy security for a country like Bangladesh.

The sustainable development of our planet depends on the use of energy. The increasing population of the world inevitably causes an increase in the demand for energy, which, on the one hand, threatens us with the potential to encounter a shortage of energy supply, and, on the other hand, causes the deterioration of the environment. Therefore, our task is to reduce this demand through different innovative solutions (i.e., both technological and social). Social marketing and economic policies can also play their role by affecting the behavior of households and companies, by causing behavioral change oriented to energy stewardship and an overall switch to renewable energy resources.

This Roundtable will provide a platform for the exchange of a wide range of ideas, which, ultimately, would facilitate in driving societies to long-term energy efficiency. The Roundtable will be held in hybrid both virtually & in person due to the covid-19 pandemic. However, we will offer a packed program of panel discussions, updates and interactive Q&A sessions, where delegates can ask presenters questions. We will also provide virtual networking opportunities with fellow delegates and speakers in a chatroom all on a single platform. This program will be live on Social Media as well for maximum reach.

Prof. Dr. Ijaz Hossain, energy and sustainable development expert in the country will deliver the Keynote paper at the discussion program and a few experts from different stakes will participate in the program as speakers. Prof. Dr. Abdul Jabbar Khan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) has agreed to preside over the session

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