Prime-throughput design of advanced oxides as isothermal, redox-activated CO2 sorbents for inexperienced hydrogen era


Prime-throughput design of advanced oxides as isothermal, redox-activated CO2 sorbents for inexperienced hydrogen era

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE02119C, Paper
Open Access Open Access
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Runxia Cai, Kunran Yang, Xijun Wang, Mahe Rukh, Azin Saberi Bosari, Eric Giavedoni, Alexandra Pierce, Leo Brody, Wentao Tang, Phillip R Westmoreland, Fanxing Li
Sorption-enhanced reforming and gasification (SERG) offers a promising approach to intensify hydrogen production from carbonaceous feedstocks. However, conventional sorbents require substantial temperature increases for the endothermic CO2 release step and…
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