Prismatic alkali-ion atmosphere suppresses plateau hysteresis in lattice oxygen redox reactions


Prismatic alkali-ion atmosphere suppresses plateau hysteresis in lattice oxygen redox reactions

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00415A, Paper
Hao Yu, Ang Gao, Xiaohui Rong, Shipeng Shen, Xinqi ZHENG, Liqin Yan, Haibo Wang, Dan Su, Zilin Hu, Wang Hay Jack Kan, Huaican Chen, Wen Yin, Yaxiang Lu, Qing-Hua Zhang, Lin Gu, Claude Delmas, Liquan Chen, Shouguo Wang, Yong-Sheng Hu
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