Purchase Carbon Credit & Lend a hand Decarbonize Concrete

Purchase Carbon Credit & Lend a hand Decarbonize Concrete

Purchase Carbon Credit & Lend a hand Decarbonize Concrete

We use revenue from-high quality carbon credits as a financial incentive to encourage the conservative concrete industry to retrofit their plants with our XPRIZE-winning carbon storage technology.

Now you can purchase the highest quality carbon credits on the market — additional, measurable, verifiable, unique, durable, without risk of reversal or leakage —and help permanently remove CO2 from the atmosphere by dramatically reducing the carbon footprint of concrete blocks used for construction.

You’ll purchase our carbon credits via the trusted Patch platform, the carbon marketplace purpose-built for a seamless and transparent carbon credit buying experience.

Your carbon credit purchases will support our work in creating a self-reinforcing ecosystem to accelerate change — and decarbonize concrete.

Learn more at carbonbuilt.com/credits

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