Regio-MPNN: predicting regioselectivity for general metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions using a chemical knowledge informed message passing neural network

Regio-MPNN: predicting regioselectivity for general metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions using a chemical knowledge informed message passing neural network

Digital Discovery, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4DD00244J, Paper
Open Access
Baochen Li, Yuru Liu, Haibin Sun, Rentao Zhang, Yongli Xie, Klement Foo, Frankie S. Mak, Ruimao Zhang, Tianshu Yu, Sen Lin, Peng Wang, Xiaoxue Wang
As a fundamental problem in organic chemistry, regioselectivity is crucial in designing energy and cost-efficient reaction pathways for target compounds.
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