Renewable Herbal Fuel: NOT a Trail to Cleaner Power

Renewable Herbal Fuel: NOT a Trail to Cleaner Power

Renewable Herbal Fuel: NOT a Trail to Cleaner Power

Electrify Ashland Now presents an informational webinar about “Renewable” Natural Gas, how it affects our community, and how it impacts our energy system at large!

Many local residents recently received a notice with their gas bill notifying them about “a new option to add renewable natural gas and lower your carbon footprint.” The notice adds that, “When you sign up, you can offset your natural gas usage with RNG for as little as $5 a month…Each $5 represents the environmental benefit associated with 1.5 therms of RNG.”

Is this a good offer? Does RNG have lower emissions than fracked “natural” gas? Is RNG readily available? And is this a financially viable way to offset your climate footprint? This special panel discussion, hosted on Wednesday July 13th, is all about answering questions on the topic and ways to best reduce your household climate footprint.

Panelists: Brian Stewart, Electrify Now; Melanie Plaut, M.D., Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility; and Kiki Velez, NRDC Building Decarbonization Fellow.

Moderated by Lorrie Kaplan of the Ashland Climate Collaborative.

Hosted over Zoom from Ashland, Oregon.

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