renewable power animation

renewable power animation

renewable power animation – Several sustainable energy sources could reduce or eliminate our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Some of these sources have been used for centuries but have been neglected since fossil fuel cam into widespread use. Passive solar heat, fuel wood, windmills, and water wheels,renewable energy animation for instance, once supplied a major part of the external energy for human activities. With increased concern about the dangers and costs associated with conventional commercial energy, these ancient energy sources are being reexamined as part of a more sustainable future for humankind.renewable energy animation
Exciting new technologies have been invented to use renewable energy sources. Active solar air, and water heating, for instance, require less material and function more quickly than passive solar collection. Wind is now the cheapest form of new energy in many places. It has potential to supply one third or more of our energy requirement. Parabolic mirrors can produce temperatures high enough to be used as process heat in manufacturing.
Fuel cells use catalysts and semi permeable electrolytes to extract energy from fuels such as hydrogen or methanol at high efficiency and with very low emissions. Ocean thermal electric conversion, tidal and wave power stations,renewable energy animation and geothermal steam sources can produce useful amounts of energy in some localities. One of the most promising technologies is direct electricity generation by photovoltaic cells. Since solar energy is available everywhere, photovoltaic collectors could provide clean, inexpensive renewable energy animation , nonpolluting, renewable energy independent of central power grid or fuel supply system.

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