Renewing the Areas: Agriculture and the Power Transition (w/ Renewables in Ag Convention)

Renewing the Areas: Agriculture and the Power Transition (w/ Renewables in Ag Convention)

Renewing the Areas: Agriculture and the Power Transition (w/ Renewables in Ag Convention)

Renewing the Regions: Agriculture and the Energy Transition was held on Wednesday 9 December 2020.

With abundant sunshine and wind, regional Australia has the potential to reap enormous rewards from the clean energy transition. This webinar explores how farmers here are already benefiting as well as new research out of the United States focussed on growing crops under solar panels.

Hosted by the Renewables in Agriculture Conference and Farmers for Climate Action, this free webinar showcased a great line-up of speakers, including:
– Oregon State University Associate Professor Chad Higgins on growing crops under solar panels
– Victorian farmer Paul Squires on growing potatoes under solar panels
– South Australian farmer James Stacey on cutting costs with solar irrigation
– Meredith Dairy environmental co-ordinator Dom Murphy on using bioenergy

Karin Stark, National Renewables in Agriculture Conference convenor, facilitated the webinar. ReAqua business development manager (QLD) Glenn Miller and GV Community Energy CEO Geoff Lodge joined the panel for a Q&A.

This event was brought to you thanks to generous sponsorship from Regen Energy.

Visit our website for similar events
Visit the Renewables in Ag Conference website for more information about the 2021 conference

Thanks also to the partners of the Renewables in Agriculture Conference:
NSW Farmers, NSW Department of Primary Industries, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, National Irrigators’ Council, Clean Energy Council, Queensland Farmers’ Federation, National Farmers’ Federation and ReAqua.

Authorised by F. Davis, 6 Lewis Drive, Castlemaine VIC 3450

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