Revealing exceptional cathode interface habits in all-solid-state batteries with oxychloride strong electrolytes

Revealing exceptional cathode interface habits in all-solid-state batteries with oxychloride strong electrolytes

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00750F, Paper
Feipeng Zhao, Shumin Zhang, Shuo Wang, Carmen M. Andrei, Hui Yuan, Jigang Zhou, Jian Wang, Zengqing Zhuo, Yu Zhong, Han Su, Jung Tae Kim, Ruizhi Yu, Yingjie Gao, Jinghua Guo, Tsun-Kong Sham, Yifei Mo, Xueliang Sun
The superionic conductor, lithium tantalum oxychloride (LTOC), exhibits unprecedented stability with Co-lean and Ni-rich cathodes, while lowering the working temperature proves effective in regulating the Co-rich cathode interface with LTOC.
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