Science Grade 4 Unit 3 Thought 3 Renewable Power Assets Lesson 2

Science Grade 4 Unit 3 Thought 3 Renewable Power Assets Lesson 2

Science Grade 4 Unit 3 Thought 3 Renewable Power Assets Lesson 2

Science Grade 4 Unit 3 Concept 3 Renewable Energy Resources Lesson 2

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Science Grade 4 Unit 3 Concept 3 Renewable Energy Resources Lesson 2
Solar energy is the energy received from the sun.
Sunrays are called radiant energy (radiation)
Uses of Solar Energy
1 Greenhouses Allow radiant energy to enter it.
This energy is converted into thermal energy that warms the
inside of the greenhouse this helps farmers plant crops
that only grow in warm climates.
2 Warming Houses
Houses can be built in a way that enables the energy of the sun to
warm them by placing large windows on the wall that faces the sun.
3 Cooking
Convergent (concave – curved) mirrors are used to collect sunlight to heat cooking pots and cook food inside them
4 Heating Water
Solar water heaters are made of panels that are made of black pipes that can be placed on the houses’ roofs, water is heated up when it passes through the pipes ,hot water is stored in a hot water tank for use

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