Self-constructing a lattice-oxygen-stabilized interface in Li-rich cathodes to allow high-energy all-solid-state batteries

Self-constructing a lattice-oxygen-stabilized interface in Li-rich cathodes to allow high-energy all-solid-state batteries

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00938J, Paper
Xiangqun Xu, Shiyong Chu, Sheng Xu, Shaohua Guo, Haoshen Zhou
A lattice-oxygen-stabilized interface is formed in situ by the interaction of indium and oxidized lattice oxygen in the interface of Li2RuO3 (LRO) and Li3InCl6 (LIC), mitigating the irreversible lattice oxygen loss and stabilizing the surface structure.
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