Share of renewable power technology amenities in S. Korea exceeds 20% for first time

Share of renewable power technology amenities in S. Korea exceeds 20% for first time

Share of renewable power technology amenities in S. Korea exceeds 20% for first time

신재생 발전설비 비중 20% 첫 돌파…태양광은 15% 상회

South Korea’s proportion of renewable energy generation facilities of its total output,… exceeded 20-percent for the first time ever this year.
In particular,… solar energy made up 15 percent of all renewable energy facilities.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
For the first time ever,… the proportion of renewable energy generation facilities in South Korea has exceeded 20 percent.
While solar power, which contributes the highest share of renewable energy, exceeded 15 percent.
Compared to 10 years ago,… the share of renewable energy has increased four times,… whereas the use of solar power has increased 19-fold over the same period.
According to data from the Korea Power Exchange on Tuesday,… the capacity of renewable energy generation facilities, as of September this year, was 27-thousand-103 megawatts.
This accounts for 20-point-1 percent of all renewable energy production.
Of other renewable energy sources,… hydropower, bio, and wind energy made up 1-point-3 percent of capacity.
Nuclear power made up 17-point-3 percent,… a decrease of 25 percent from 10 years ago.
Solar power saw the biggest jump of all,… going from 0-point-8 percent of all renewable energy production to 15-point-1 percent.
The growing number of renewable energy facilities in South Korea comes as the government continues to push toward a carbon-free society,… while the decrease in nuclear energy production follows the previous Moon administration’s drive to phase out nuclear energy in the country.
However,… while the number of renewable energy facilities has increased over the years,… renewable energy production has not increased as much.
With South Korea still relying heavily on fossil fuel energy,… the government is continuing to push for more renewable energy usage throughout the country,… providing incentives for companies that choose to follow a greener path.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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2022-09-20, 11:00 (KST)

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