Shear-flow-induced alignment of graphene allow the nearest packing crystallography of (002) textured zinc steel anode with high-reversibility


Shear-flow-induced alignment of graphene allow the nearest packing crystallography of (002) textured zinc steel anode with high-reversibility

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04360F, Paper
Murong Xi, Zhenjie Liu, Wei Wang, Zihan Qi, Rui Sheng, Juan Ding, Yudai Huang, Zaiping Guo
The crystallographic orientation of Zn metal is related to its deposition pattern, plating/stripping reversibility as well as HER and corrosion. Herein, theoretical calculations show (002) crystal plane of Zn metal…
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