Simultaneous and efficient utilization of photogenerated electrons and holes: a case of single-atom Pd-anchored CdS twins


Simultaneous and efficient utilization of photogenerated electrons and holes: a case of single-atom Pd-anchored CdS twins

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE03092C, Paper
Yuan Tang, Zhong-Fei Xu, Yan Sun, Chunyang Wang, Yuchen Guo, Weichang Hao, Xin Tan, Jinhua Ye, Tao Yu
Single-atom Pd is successfully anchored on to CdSx twins to maximize the transfer and utilization of photogenerated electrons and holes for the efficient coupled reactions of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and pyruvate synthesis.
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