Subnano confinement in tough MoS2-based membranes for high-performance osmotic power conversion

Subnano confinement in tough MoS2-based membranes for high-performance osmotic power conversion

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01381F, Paper
Xuying Wang , Zhaoyi Wang , Zhiwei Xue, Yiyi Fan, Jing Yang, Naitao Yang, Qingxiao Zhang, Xiuxia Meng, Yun Jin, Shaomin Liu
Osmotic energy harvesting from salinity gradients shows great potential for sustainable electricity generation, which can be fulfilled using two-dimensional ion-selective nanofluidic devices. Metal dichalcogenide membranes like MoS2 exhibit good anti-swelling…
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