sustainable development- Eco pleasant power resources Running mode in keeping with renewable power #science

sustainable development- Eco pleasant power resources Running mode in keeping with renewable power #science

sustainable development- Eco pleasant power resources Running mode in keeping with renewable power #science

This model based on sustainable development – renewable resources of energy
Eco friendly project Working model
#greenenergy #gogreen #science
types of energy working model
#hydropower #windpower #solarpower #gobargasplant Science working model
renewable energy resources
sustainable energy resources
#schoolproject #school
#energy resources and conservation project

Martial used (Amazon affiliate)
1. Plywood (Size -32”x23” )
2. DC motor –
3. Mini water pump –
4. Switch-
5. Battery –
6. Cardboard –
7. M-Seal (White )-
8. Chart paper (Green, Black ,White)
9. Favicol –
10. Hot glue gun –
11. Acrylic color –
12. Diffused LED –
13. Toy cars –
14. Cutter knife –
15. Soldering Iron –

Note :- 80-90% material you can buy from local market it will more abortable then online .

Project Note-
1. Solar Energy
Solar energy is one of the most accessible renewable resources today. It makes use of the sun’s energy and converts it into electricity.
Many businesses, and even houses, are making use of solar energy not only to reduce their ecological footprint, but also to significantly cut cost on their electrical expenses.
2. Wind Energy
Energy from wind is harnessed with the use of wind turbines and windmills. The blades of wind turbines and windmills are designed in such a way that they turn with every blow of the wind, thus generating energy. The use of wind turbines and windmills in harnessing wind energy produces zero hazardous waste.
3. Hydropower
Water is another source of strong, renewable energy. It is considered as one of the most widely used form of eco-friendly energy. Typically, for hydropower to be harnessed, turbines and a hydroelectric dam are utilized. The use of water as energy source is not only cheap, but highly reliable. The responsibility of protecting our environment and harnessing renewable energy doesn’t fall on organizations or large corporations only. Individually, we have a role to play. Even you, right in your own home, can go green, and help the environment.
The principle of a biogas plant is to produce the gasses like methane and other side products like carbon dioxide, etc by decomposing (breaking down the complex substances into the simple/basic substances) the biomass (the organic matter – the natural substances obtained from the plants and animals, such as the cow dung, the vegetable waste) in the absence of air (the anaerobic fermentation) and presence of the water.
The working of a biogas plant: Consider the above diagram while going through the below-working steps of the biogas plant.
The inlet of the biogas plant is the mixing tank. In this mixing tank, the biomass is mixed with the water to form a slurry. A slurry is a composition of the water and the cow dung (biomass). The mixing tank is also called the slurry region. Then, this slurry enters the digester.

#renewableenergy #solarenergy #solar #solarpower #greenenergy #cleanenergy #energy #solarpanels #sustainability #renewables #gogreen #climatechange #gosolar #renewable #environment #solarpanel #sustainable #solarpv #solarsystem #sustainableenergy #photovoltaic #ecofriendly #solarpowered #solarinstallation #electricity #sun #windenergy #savetheplanet #technology #windpower

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