Synergistically optimizing the optoelectronic houses and morphology the use of a photo-active cast additive for high-performance binary natural photovoltaics


Synergistically optimizing the optoelectronic houses and morphology the use of a photo-active cast additive for high-performance binary natural photovoltaics

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2598-2609
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE04065H, Paper
Mengting Wang, Tianyi Chen, Yaokai Li, Guanyu Ding, Zeng Chen, Jikun Li, Chang Xu, Adiljan Wupur, Chenran Xu, Yuang Fu, Jingwei Xue, Weifei Fu, Weiming Qiu, Xi Yang, Dawei Wang, Wei Ma, Xinhui Lu, Haiming Zhu, Xiankai Chen, Xiaoye Wang, Hongzheng Chen, Lijian Zuo
This work explores a new solid additive with TADF properties for high-performance OPVs. The TADF additive fine-tunes the morphology and enhances exciton diffusion and dissociation, resulting in an efficiency of 19.4%, making it one of the top binary OPVs.
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