The Carbon Credit score Grift Destroying Koala Habitat

The Carbon Credit score Grift Destroying Koala Habitat

The Carbon Credit score Grift Destroying Koala Habitat

The NSW Labor Government took office promising to create a vast koala sanctuary on the state’s mid-north coast – the Great Koala National Park. Despite the threat of koala extinction in the state, more than a year later the Great Koala National Park is yet to be established.

Officially, the government cites consultation with stakeholders as the reason for the delay.
Last year, NSW Premier Chris Minns’ remarkable admission disclosed a further motive for the go-slow: the government is reluctant to create the new national park or end logging and land clearing that is destroying koala habitat until it secures another way to make money from the trees.

In essence, it wants to exploit the forests for carbon credits.

In this video report from the Australia Institute’s Walkley Award-Winning Senior Fellow Stephen Long, we talk to people fighting to save the native forests, and peel back the curtains on why the koala habitat on the mid-north coast is still being logged.

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