The right way to Generate Power from Waste? The Significance of Renewable Power with Sheila Hughes #Autoclave

The right way to Generate Power from Waste? The Significance of Renewable Power with Sheila Hughes #Autoclave

The right way to Generate Power from Waste? The Significance of Renewable Power with Sheila Hughes #Autoclave

How to generate energy from waste? We discussed modernisation of the waste sector and improvements to renewable energy through the Autoclave process with industry specialist Sheila Hughes.

In our ProfileTree Business Leaders video interview, Sheila also explored recycling, the importance of renewable energy and much more.

The Wilson Bio-Chemical Marketing Manager began by explaining that her company is a technology provider for the waste to energy sector and outlining their work.

“Our technology is called the Wilson System, a steam autoclaving system that can treat up to 150 tonnes of waste per year.

“A few of our highlights would be that we can divert up to 90% of waste from landfill, we can reduce the volume of waste by 80% and the product we can produce from your waste is called Wilson Fibre which is a renewable energy feedstock.

“The Wilson Autoclaves will take unsorted municipal solid wastes, your black bin bag waste, the waste is then fed into the autoclave, which is like a big stream pressure cooker. The waste is then treated with a dry saturated stream, the temperature is held at 160 degrees C and will be cooked for around an hour.

“Each system will have two vessels that work in tandem, so we can treat 20 tonnes of waste per hour. After processing, all your food, your paper, your cardboard, your grass… any organic waste gets broken down into a fibre. The rest of the material, the plastics, the metals, the class, that’s all ready for recycling.

“It’s very easy to separate post autoclaving as the autoclave itself actually does the recycling for you.”

The feedstock produced can then be used for “combustion purposes” such as in gasification, turning the process into a fuel preparation system.

Sheila outlined the plastics crisis now being faced in the UK/ Ireland, making the work of her company more relevant than ever, said the issue of renewable energy was thankfully becoming more and more prominent.

“There is a plastics crisis happening… we can see it on Facebook every day, we can see it in all these new documentaries coming out. It is, thankfully, getting the attention that it deserves.

“The autoclaving system isn’t going to change the plastics that are in the ocean right now, but we can change future trends and how we are actually recycling. People don’t always realise that when we’re recycling at home, if I do a really good job recycling my materials and I clean everything out and you put something wrong into your bin following me the whole load is contaminated.

“That contaminated load can still end up going to landfill or it gets shipped abroad for incineration.

“So, the beauty of an autoclave is that you don’t have to worry about this beforehand. If you put a tin of beans into an autoclave, the beans will be turned into fibre and the metal will be sterile and ready for recycling.”

To discover more see our full video interview.

Sheila Hughes –

ProfileTree –

Summary: How to Generate Energy from Waste? The Importance of Renewable Energy with Sheila Hughes #Autoclave

Our video interview with Sheila Hughes includes insights into renewable energy, the autoclave process, recycling benefits, recycling technologies and much more.

See also:

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