The Startup Tank Local weather VC Pitch: Feb twentieth: City Farming, EV Charging & Sustainable Intake

The Startup Tank Climate VC Pitch: Feb 20th: Urban Farming, EV Charging & Sustainable Consumption

The Startup Tank Local weather VC Pitch: Feb twentieth: City Farming, EV Charging & Sustainable Intake

Welcome to The Startup Tank Climate Investor Pitch Show presented by 4WARD.VC, the ultimate startup investor pitch contest where top climate tech founders pitch to a panel of VCs looking to fund world-positive cleantech & sustainability startups looking to move the world forward.

If you’ve ever wanted a chance to pitch your company or get in front of VCs and angel investors, now is your time to shine.

Presenting Companies:
– Ripplfect: Find sustainable alternatives and actions to the way we live, eat, and move
– Zauben: Living wall technology made from a recyclable hydroponic growth medium to create a more sustainable urban environment
– Oceanid MRV: Measurement and verification services to certify a company’s carbon offsets
– BaTTeRi Energy: A rapid DC mobile charging robot for EVs & parking lots
– NTP Technologies: Decentralized, on-site organic fertilizer production using non-thermal plasma

Today’s Investor Panelists Include:
– Matthew McGraw at Anthropocene Ventures
– Paul Claxton at Reciprocity ROI
– Manuella Cunha Brito at TrellisRoad

The Startup Tank is brought to you by 4WARD.VC’s “Partner in Crime” Climate Accelerator program and Climate Investor Syndicate

4WARD.VC’s “Partner in Crime” Climate Accelerator is disrupting the outdated venture industry with the world’s most hands-on, sales & traction-focused accelerator for elite early stage climate companies led by CRAZY ASS, world class climate founders tackling MASSIVE problems in areas including Food & Agriculture, Construction & Manufacturing, Commerce & Circularity, Recycling & Waste Reduction, Energy & Renewables, Transportation & Mobility

for more info and to apply, please visit:

4WARD.VC’s Climate Investor Syndicate also allow accredited investors to participate in the post-program investments in our portfolio companies.

For more information on 4WARD.VC’s accelerator and accredited investor syndicate, please visit: https://4WARD.VC

BONUS: Free 950+ Climate VC & Accelerator Database

4WARD.VC made a searchable index of 950 climate, sustainability and impact investors, LPs, incubators, accelerator programs and angel investor groups worldwide.

Filter climate tech VCs by stage, sector, geography & check size to find your ideal investor and/or co investors!

About The Startup Tank Climate Investor Pitch Show

Welcome to The Startup Tank Climate Investor Pitch Show presented by 4WARD.VC, the ultimate startup investor pitch contest where top climate tech founders pitch to a panel of VCs looking to fund world-positive #cleantech & #sustainability startups looking to move the world forward.

If you’re combating climate change by building the next sustainable development (SDG) superstar or circular economy unicorn and looking to fundraise from top tier VCs and angel investors, you’ve come to the right place

Founders apply:

Investors apply: http://4WARD.VC

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