The use of carbon offsets to achieve net-zero and carbon-neutral objectives

The use of carbon offsets to achieve net-zero and carbon-neutral objectives

The use of carbon offsets to achieve net-zero and carbon-neutral objectives

Hi, I’m Barbara, the Co-CEO of 100% Renewables, a consultancy specialising in the development of Climate Action strategies. In my last video, I talked about how you can reach carbon neutrality and net-zero emissions. In this video, I’ll talk about carbon offsets.

Most people understand a net-zero or a climate-neutral target to mean that a business puts significant emphasis on reducing or mitigating emissions in their own organisation, and will buy offsets to address residual emissions.

For many, a carbon-neutral goal is seen as a strategy that mainly relies on the purchase of carbon offsets. In that sense, a carbon-neutral goal can be seen as an interim goal on the journey to net-zero emissions.

Now, I mentioned carbon offsets. What are carbon offsets, or ‘carbon credits’?

Carbon offsets are a useful way to reach a carbon-neutral target right away. One offset equals one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions that is avoided or reduced elsewhere. However, you need to make sure that you purchase highly credible carbon offsets that meet rigorous selection criteria.

Carbon offsets can be generated from projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere, such as planting trees, which need CO2 to grow.

Offsets can also be generated from activities that avoid emissions (compared to a hypothetical business-as-usual scenario), such as wind farm projects, or energy efficiency projects.

In my next video, I’ll talk about five factors you should consider when setting your climate target.

Thanks for watching!

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