The whole lot You Wish to Know About Sun Panel Warranties


The whole lot You Wish to Know About Sun Panel Warranties

Sunlight is free and abundant; the right technology can power your home and business. Solar panels are a fantastic investment, but like any significant purchase, understanding warranties is crucial. This solar warranty guide delves into the details of solar panel warranties in Australia, ensuring you make informed decisions and get the most out of your solar investment.

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1. Types of solar panel warranties

Solar panel warranties are guarantees manufacturers, and solar installers offer to protect your investment. They typically cover two main aspects: the physical condition of the panels (product warranty) and their ability to generate power over time (performance warranty). Understanding the details of each type of solar panel warranty is vital for making informed decisions and maximising the benefits of your solar system.

a. Product warranty (Solar panel manufacturer’s warranty)

The product warranty, provided by the solar panel manufacturer, safeguards you against defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty typically ranges from 10 to 15 years, with some premium panels offering coverage extending to 25 years.

Here’s what a product warranty generally covers:

  • Manufacturing defects: If a solar panel malfunctions due to a flaw in the manufacturing process, the manufacturer will repair or replace it under warranty terms.
  • Material defects: Similar to manufacturing defects, this covers issues arising from faulty materials used in the panel’s construction.
  • Power output: Some product warranties guarantee a minimum power output for a specific period. The manufacturer will rectify the situation if the panel’s output falls below this threshold due to a manufacturing defect.

Important points to consider:

  • Warranty duration: While longer warranties offer greater peace of mind, prioritise reputable manufacturers with a proven track record over warranty length alone.
  • Exclusions: Carefully review the warranty document to understand what’s not covered. This might include damage caused by natural disasters, improper solar installation, or neglect.
  • Claims process: Familiarize yourself with the process for making warranty claims. This typically involves contacting the manufacturer and providing proof of purchase and solar installation.

b. Performance warranty

The performance warranty focuses on the solar panel’s ability to generate electricity over its lifespan. Most manufacturers offer a 25-year performance warranty, guaranteeing a minimum power output after 25 years.

Here’s how a performance warranty typically works:

  • Degradation guarantee: Solar panel energy generation decreases gradually (called “degradation”). Solar panels naturally degrade in efficiency over time. A performance warranty assures that after the specified period (usually 25 years), the panel will still produce a certain percentage (usually 80-85%) of its original power output.
  • Linear degradation: Performance warranties assume a linear decline in efficiency. If your panel degrades faster than expected, proving it’s a manufacturing issue can be challenging.

Important points to consider:

  • Guaranteed power output: Pay close attention to the percentage of original output guaranteed after the warranty period. A higher percentage indicates a more reliable panel.
  • Testing conditions: The guaranteed power output is often based on specific testing conditions. Real-world factors like weather and temperature can affect performance.
  • Degradation rate: While most warranties assume linear degradation, some manufacturers offer a slower degradation rate.

2. Solar inverter warranty

The solar inverter is the heart of your solar system, converting direct current (DC) from the panels into usable alternating current (AC) for your home and business. Solar inverters usually come with separate warranties, often lasting 5 to 10 years, depending on the manufacturer. Ensure the solar inverter warranty aligns with or exceeds the labour warranty for a comprehensive safety net. 

Check our pages to learn about solar inverter:

3. Installation warranty (Solar installer’s warranty)

The installation warranty, provided by the company installing your solar system, safeguards against issues arising from faulty installation. This warranty typically lasts 5 to 10 years, depending on the solar installer.

Here’s what a solar installation warranty generally covers:

  • Faulty workmanship: The warranty ensures the solar installer will rectify the issue if the solar panels are not installed correctly, leading to malfunctions or safety hazards.
  • Electrical components: The warranty might cover faulty electrical components associated with the solar system installation, such as inverters and wiring.
  • System leaks: Some warranties cover leaks in the system’s piping or connections.

Important points to consider:

  • Warranty duration: A longer installation warranty indicates the solar installer’s confidence in their workmanship.
  • Scope of coverage: Clearly understand what’s covered by the warranty and what isn’t.
  • Installer reputation: Choose a reputable solar installer with a history of quality work and honouring warranties.

The importance of a reputable solar installer

The quality of the installation significantly impacts your solar system’s performance and longevity. Choosing a reputable Solar Accreditation Australia (SAA) approved solar installer in Australia is vital. SAA approval signifies the company adheres to strict industry standards and best practices. Reputable solar installers typically offer robust solar warranty packages encompassing product and installation warranties.

Energy Matters has been a leader in the renewable energy industry since 2005 and has helped over 40,000 Australian households in their journey to energy independence. With Energy Matters, you can be sure you’re getting the best possible deal on solar energy. We only work with reputable solar firms with a proven track record of delivering high-quality solar systems.

solar panel warranties

Here’s a table summarising the key points of these warranties

Solar panel warranty type

Description, coverage, consideration

Typical duration

1. Types of solar panel warranties

a. Product warranty

Coverage: Protects against faulty modules or defects.

Consideration: Check what is and isn’t covered—for instance, hail damage may not be included.

Usually between 10 and 15 years

b. Performance warranty

Purpose: Assures the quality of panels and their output over time.

Degradation: Solar panel energy generation decreases gradually (called “degradation”). Manufacturers guarantee specific performance levels, such as 90% up to 10 years and 80% up to 25 years.

Almost all solar panels come with a 25-year performance warranty

2. Solar inverter warranty

String Inverter: Typically covered for 5-10 years.

Micro Inverter (Attached to Rail): Warranty extends to 10 years.

Micro Inverter (Attached to Panel): Impressive 25-year warranty.

Battery Inverter and Hybrid Inverter: Covered for 5-10 years.

3. Solar installation warranty

Also known as a workmanship warranty.

Covers issues arising from installation (e.g., leaky roofs due to cracked tiles).

Usually lasts 5 years

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Understanding the solar warranty details

While the concept of solar panel warranties seems straightforward, delving deeper into the details is crucial. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Warranty terms and conditions: Meticulously examine the warranty documents the manufacturer and installer provided. These documents outline the specific circumstances covered under the warranty, exclusions, and the claims process. Look for details like:
    • What constitutes a defect?
    • Are there limitations on power output degradation under the performance warranty?
    • What is the process for filing a warranty claim?
    • Are there any limitations on labour costs associated with repairs or replacements?
  • Power output tolerance: Solar panels are not 100% efficient in converting sunlight to electricity. Manufacturers specify a power output tolerance range (usually +/- 3%), indicating a slight variation from the rated output. This tolerance is not covered under the warranty.
  • Degradation rate: Solar panels naturally degrade in efficiency over time. The performance warranty specifies the guaranteed minimum output after a specific period (usually 25 years). Understanding the expected degradation rate helps manage expectations for long-term power generation.
  • External factors: Most warranties exclude damage caused by external factors like hail, storms, or improper maintenance. It’s crucial to have a separate insurance policy to cover these eventualities.

Maximising your solar panel warranty benefits

  • Request a comprehensive solar warranty guide from your solar installer. This document should clearly outline the specifics of each warranty (product, performance, installation) offered for your chosen system.
  • Ensure proper maintenance of your solar panels. As the manufacturer recommends, regular cleaning and professional inspections can help maintain optimal performance and extend lifespan.
  • Keep detailed records. Maintain copies of your warranty documents, including solar installation receipts and maintenance logs. This paperwork will be crucial if you ever need to make a warranty claim.

solar panel warranties

Maximising your solar investment: Tips for choosing the right warranty

  • Prioritise reputable manufacturers: Opt for solar panels from established brands with a proven track record and a history of honouring warranties.
  • Don’t just focus on the length of the warranty. While a longer warranty is generally better, the details of what’s covered are equally important. Carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of each warranty before finalising your solar purchase.
  • Don’t solely focus on price: While cost is a significant factor, prioritise warranties with comprehensive coverage and extended durations. A slightly higher upfront cost can be offset by peace of mind and potential savings in case of future repairs or replacements.
  • Compare warranty offerings from different retailers. Solar warranties can vary between companies. Feel free to ask potential solar retailers for detailed information on their warranty packages.
  • Register your warranties. Most solar warranties require registration within a specific timeframe after solar installation. Ensure you register your warranties promptly to activate coverage.
  • Seek professional advice: If you have doubts or require assistance deciphering solar warranty specifics, don’t hesitate to consult a qualified solar professional. They can guide you through the intricacies of solar warranties and help you select a system with optimal coverage.
  • Maintain your system regularly. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your solar panels can ensure optimal performance and extend lifespan. Check your solar warranty documents for any specific maintenance requirements that may impact coverage.

Understanding solar panel warranties empowers you to make informed decisions when investing in a solar power system for your Australian home and business. By carefully evaluating the offered warranties, partnering with a reputable solar installer, and adhering to proper maintenance practices, you can ensure your solar panels generate clean energy for years. 

Remember to choose reputable manufacturers and solar installers to ensure peace of mind. Solar energy not only benefits your wallet but also contributes to a greener planet.

Ready to go solar? Get an instant assessment

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Our Energy Matters CEO, Roshan Ramnarain, will feature stunning homes installed with the latest solar technology every Saturday at 5:00 p.m. on Open Homes Australia on the 9Life channel. Be sure to watch this show; you won’t want to miss it!

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The post Everything You Need to Know About Solar Panel Warranties appeared first on Energy Matters.

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