Timber & Renewable Power Complimentary Environmental Inventions – Nov 18, 2018 – EmeraldPlanet TV©

Trees & Renewable Energy Complimentary Environmental Innovations – Nov 18, 2018 – EmeraldPlanet TV©

Timber & Renewable Power Complimentary Environmental Inventions – Nov 18, 2018 – EmeraldPlanet TV©

Trees & Renewable Energy Complimentary Environmental Innovations – Nov 18, 2018 – EmeraldPlanet TV©

· Show ‘1’: John Leary, Executive Director, Trees for the Future, (In-Studio), “Renewable Energy and Trees: Providing a Cycle of Life to Protect and Heal the Planet Creating a New Sustainable World”

· Show ‘2’: John Leary, Executive Director, Trees for the Future, (In-Studio), Theme: “Trees, the Environment, ‘Green’ Jobs, and Long-Term Agricultural Impacts”,

·Show ‘3’ John Leary, Executive Director, Trees for the Future, (In-Studio), Theme: “Trees as Source of Economic Development, Sub-Saharan, and the Future of Planet Earth”‘; and

· Show ‘4’: John Borchers, CEO & President SolerCool™ Technologies, LLC, (In-Studio), Theme: “SolerCool™ ColdShed – Filling the Gap in the Cold Chain from Farm to Market”,

Vision of Trees for the Future is, “Plant trees and change lives.”. Trees for the Future (TREES) trains communities on sustainable land use so that they can grow vibrant economies, thriving food systems, and a healthier planet. Hunger, poverty, and environmental decay are being seen around the world, landscapes are deteriorating and ecosystems are collapsing. The farming families that rely on the land to survive are trapped in cycles of hunger and poverty.

Hunger, poverty, and a changing climate threaten the future of billions. Unsustainable land use is at the root of earth’s most pressing challenges. Farmers have the power to change everything if given the proper tools, education, guidance, leadership, and opportunities to improve their farms, vegetable operations, and forests to further improve their communities and countries. Supporters and contributors from urban and suburban areas can make the difference in this rural and urban mutual support, resources sharing,, and direct involvement to make the work of Trees for the Future possible.

Mission of SolarCool™ is to development and market affordable environmentally clean temperature controlled work and storage spaces which use solar energy to improve the lives and businesses of people in areas of the world who lack reliable power sources.

SolarCool™ aims to improve lives and sustain life through solar=powered cooling. It does this by creating products which use the sun’s energy to power cold storage for food, beverages, medicine, and other human needs. Together SolarCool,™, its farmers, and urban customers can raise the incomes of farmers, reducing post-harvest losses, and be responsible citizens of growth, prosperity, and healthy living in their communities.

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