Trail to renewable power will lead Australia to ‘energy and chaos’

Trail to renewable power will lead Australia to ‘energy and chaos’

Trail to renewable power will lead Australia to ‘energy and chaos’

Sky News host Chris Kenny says the path to renewables Labor, the Greens and the teals want Australia to stay on will “lead to power, chaos and shortages”.

Mr Kenny says the push to renewable energy and the way it “simply does not work” is playing out in two countries that are especially close to Australia.

“In the UK the Labour Party that is certain to form government after the election … is promising to ban any future gas exploration in the North Sea,” Mr Kenny said.

“The Kiwis have already gone down that path, and even though they have stacks of hydro and don’t rely on fossil fuels for a huge share of their power – their shambolic experience shows that banning gas exploration is a disaster”.

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