Triple-junction perovskite–perovskite–silicon sun cells with energy conversion potency of 24.4%


Triple-junction perovskite–perovskite–silicon sun cells with energy conversion potency of 24.4%

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2800-2814
DOI: 10.1039/D3EE03687A, Paper
Open Access Open Access
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Hang Hu, Sophie X. An, Yang Li, Seyedamir Orooji, Roja Singh, Fabian Schackmar, Felix Laufer, Qihao Jin, Thomas Feeney, Alexander Diercks, Fabrizio Gota, Somayeh Moghadamzadeh, Ting Pan, Michael Rienäcker, Robby Peibst, Bahram Abdollahi Nejand, Ulrich W. Paetzold
Key advances on triple-junction perovskite–perovskite–Si solar cells with an unprecedented efficiency of 24.4% and enhanced long-term thermal stability are reported via the development of high-performance middle perovskite solar cell.
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