Understanding high-performance thermoelectric modules thru bettering the ability issue by way of optimizing the service mobility in n-type PbSe crystals


Understanding high-performance thermoelectric modules thru bettering the ability issue by way of optimizing the service mobility in n-type PbSe crystals

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, 17,2588-2597
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE00433G, Paper
Siqi Wang, Yi Wen, Shulin Bai, Zhe Zhao, Yichen Li, Xiang Gao, Qian Cao, Cheng Chang, Li-Dong Zhao
The thermoelectric properties of n-type PbSe are enhanced by optimizing the power factor through crystal growth and slight-tuning vacancy and interstitial defects.
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