Unraveling interfacial compatibility of ultrahigh nickel cathode and chloride stable electrolyte for strong all-solid-state lithium battery

Unraveling interfacial compatibility of ultrahigh nickel cathode and chloride stable electrolyte for strong all-solid-state lithium battery

Energy Environ. Sci., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01302F, Paper
Feng Li, Ye-Chao Wu, Xiao-Bin Cheng, Yihong Tan, Jin-Da Luo, Ruijun Pan, Tao Ma, Lei-Lei Lu, Xiaolei Wen, Zheng Liang, Hong-Bin Yao
All-solid-state lithium batteries (ASSLBs) combining the cost-controllable ultrahigh nickel cathode are receiving considerable attention due to their great potential for good safety under high energy density. Improving the interfacial stability…
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