Upcycling of plastic membrane business scraps and reuse as sorbent for rising contaminants in water


Upcycling of plastic membrane business scraps and reuse as sorbent for rising contaminants in water

Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D3EW00900A, Paper
Open Access Open Access
Sara Khaliha, Francesca Tunioli, Luca Foti, Antonio Bianchi, Alessandro Kovtun, Tainah Dorina Marforio, Massimo Zambianchi, Cristian Bettini, Elena Briñas, Ester Vázquez, Letizia Bocchi, Vincenzo Palermo, Matteo Calvaresi, Maria Luisa Navacchia, Manuela Melucci
We describe a process for recycling scraps of graphene hollow fiber membranes into sorbent granules suitable for drinking water treatment.
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