Using Carbon Credits: Critical Questions for Investors to Engage Companies

Using Carbon Credits: Critical Questions for Investors to Engage Companies

Using Carbon Credits: Critical Questions for Investors to Engage Companies

2021 saw an increase in corporate net zero commitments, which in turn drove unprecedented growth in the voluntary carbon market. This activity generated new scrutiny of corporate net zero commitments, with some companies accused of delaying action and relying too heavily on offsetting to reduce emissions. Ceres’ new report: “Evaluating the Use of Carbon Credits: Critical questions for financial institutions when engaging with companies”, unpacks some of the complexity by providing guardrails on the use of carbon credits and delving into areas where guidance is lacking, such as social and environmental safeguards.

In this session, participants will:
– Explore trends in the carbon market and projections for future growth
– Evaluate the role of emission reductions and carbon removals in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement
– Examine the social and environmental safeguards that make up high quality carbon credits

– Carolyn Ching, Senior Manager, Food and Forests, Ceres
– Stephen Donofrio, Director, Ecosystem Marketplace, Forest Trends
– Maria Garcia Espinosa, Senior Policy Advisor, Climate Law & Policy
– James Smith, Natural Climate Solutions, WBCSD and Technical Lead, Natural Climate Solutions Alliance
– Christopher Weber, Head of Climate and Sustainability Research, BlackRock – Sustainable Investing

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